»You can sell anything with hiphop, That‹ why you have to be careful with that power you have«

[igp-video src=«« poster=»https://www.heinekomm.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/»you-can-sell-anything-with-hiphop-that-why-you-have-to-be-careful-with-that-power-you-have«-hipho.jpg« size=»large«] »You can sell anything with hiphop, That' why you have to be careful with that power you have« #hiphopacademyhamburg  #MarthaDíaz #nyc #heinekomm

3. Juli 2017 | 20:46 |
## hip­ho­pa­ca­de­my­ham­burg nyc martha­dí­az heinekomm

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