
[igp-video src=«« poster=»« size=»large«] #heinekomm

29. Juli 2018 | 22:08 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## hei­ne­komm

Kunst, Offenbarung, Theologie

[igp-video src=«« poster=»« size=»large«] Kunst, Offenbarung, Theologie #bazonbrock #hauptkirchestkatharinen #heinekomm

26. Juni 2018 | 19:18 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## bazon­b­rock haupt­kir­chest­ka­tha­ri­nen heinekomm

A Summer’s Tale

[igp-video src=«« poster=»‑summers-tale-sokosteidle-gabrielcoburger-jazzisaboutthefuture-heinekomm.jpg« size=»large«] A Summer's Tale #sokosteidle #gabrielcoburger #jazzisaboutthefuture #heinekomm

20. Juni 2018 | 21:22 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## soko­st­eid­le gabriel­co­bur­ger jaz­zi­sa­boutt­he­fu­ture heinekomm

Pinchas Landau should definetely be writing a book!

[igp-video src=«« poster=»« size=»large«] Pinchas Landau should definetely be writing a book! #dalkeybookfest #dalkeybookfestival2018 #brexit #publishers #heinekomm

17. Juni 2018 | 23:21 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## dal­key­book­fest dalkeybookfestival2018 brexit publishers heinekomm

There is a certain joylessness the way we stick to facts“

[igp-video src=«« poster=»„there-is-a-certain-joylessness-the-way-we-stick-to-facts“-robertshrimsley-dalkeybookfest-dalkey.jpg« size=»large«] „There is a certain joylessness the way we stick to facts“ #robertshrimsley #dalkeybookfest #dalkeybookfestival2018 #heinekomm #fakenews #journalism

17. Juni 2018 | 23:13 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## robertshrims­ley dal­key­book­fest dalkeybookfestival2018 hei­ne­komm faken­ews journalism


[igp-video src=«« poster=»« size=»large«] #bloomsday #heinekomm  #fortyfoot #sea @pausentaste

16. Juni 2018 | 20:53 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## bloomsday hei­ne­komm for­ty­foot sea

Lionel Shriver on digital lynch mobs: „It‘s terribly dangerous for free speech and it feels very soviet in texture“

[igp-video src=«« poster=»„it‘s‑terribly-dangerous-for-free-speech-and-it-feels-very-.jpg« size=»large«] Lionel Shriver on digital lynch mobs: „It‘s terribly dangerous for free speech and it feels very soviet in texture“ #dalkeybookfest #dalkeybookfestival2018 #lionelshriver #heinekomm

16. Juni 2018 | 20:49 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## dal­key­book­fest dalkeybookfestival2018 lio­nelshri­ver heinekomm

Who‘s the guy in the blue shirt on Castle Street? Famous director living nearby.

[igp-video src=«« poster=»‘s‑the-guy-in-the-blue-shirt-on-castle-street-famous-director-living-nearby.-neiljordan-dalkeyb.jpg« size=»large«] Who‘s the guy in the blue shirt on Castle Street? Famous director living nearby. #neiljordan #dalkeybookfest #dalkeybookfestival2018 #heinekomm

16. Juni 2018 | 15:54 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## neil­jor­dan dal­key­book­fest dalkeybookfestival2018 heinekomm

Writers have to find different ways to tell stories. You can‘t just put the blame on Trump or the readers.“.

[igp-video src=«« poster=»„writers-have-to-find-different-ways-to-tell-stories.-you-can‘t‑just-put-the-blame-on-trump-or‑t.jpg« size=»large«] „Writers have to find different ways to tell stories. You can‘t just put the blame on Trump or the readers.“. #dalkeybookfest #dalkeybookfestival2018 #katherineboo #heinekomm #thebeautifulforevers

16. Juni 2018 | 13:41 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## dal­key­book­fest dalkeybookfestival2018 kathe­ri­ne­boo hei­ne­komm thebeautifulforevers

Wim Wenders blickt durch

[igp-video src=«« poster=»« size=»large«] Wim Wenders blickt durch #wimwenders #einmannseineswortes #amanofhisword #heinekomm

13. Juni 2018 | 17:53 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## wim­wen­ders ein­manns­eines­wor­tes ama­nof­his­word heinekomm