CUSTOMER: Evan­ge­li­cal Luther­an Church in Nor­t­hern Ger­ma­ny | KDA – Church ser­vice in the world of work

TASK: Deve­lo­p­ment of a dia­lo­gue for­mat with young pro­fes­sio­nals, with a focus on digi­tal natives

IDEA : A hybrid for­mat with inter­na­tio­nal par­ti­ci­pan­ts from dif­fe­rent social are­as (eco­no­my, church, cul­tu­re, sci­ence, politics)

JOB : Cura­ting the Guest List | Invi­ta­ti­on Manage­ment | Accom­pany­ing the VA

WEB: www.nordkirche.de

PERIOD : 2018 – 2020

Pro­ject description

How do Chris­ti­an values, abo­ve all empa­thy and respon­si­bi­li­ty, fit tog­e­ther with the chal­lenges of the eco­no­my? How via­ble is the idea of sus­tainable busi­ness ethics? What role do peo­p­le play in a glo­bal­ly net­work­ed and incre­asing­ly digi­ti­zed world of work?

In order to cla­ri­fy ques­ti­ons like the­se, Kirs­ten Fehrs, Bishop of the Evan­ge­li­cal Luther­an Church in Nor­t­hern Ger­ma­ny, laun­ched the dia­lo­gue initia­ti­ve »Dia­log Church and Busi­ness Ham­burg« in 2014. Seve­ral times a year she invi­tes per­so­na­li­ties from church, busi­ness, poli­tics, cul­tu­re and sci­ence to dis­cuss cur­rent topics.

As part of this initia­ti­ve, HEINEKOMM 2018 deve­lo­ped and instal­led a dis­cus­sion for­mat espe­ci­al­ly for a youn­ger tar­get group who Young pro­fes­sio­nals .

Here, ques­ti­ons about how to shape the future are even more exis­ten­ti­al: How do young mana­gers, com­pa­ny foun­ders or crea­ti­ve peo­p­le see their per­so­nal pro­s­pects? What do the gro­wing demands on fle­xi­bi­li­ty and fur­ther trai­ning mean for each and every indi­vi­du­al? How much indi­vi­du­al free­dom is pos­si­ble in the chan­ging inter­play of work and life?

HEINEKOMM sel­ec­ted the guests, took on the manage­ment of the invi­ta­ti­ons and gave impul­ses for the topics of the respec­ti­ve mee­ting. The »Young Pro­fes­sio­nals« for­mat has now beco­me a per­ma­nent fix­tu­re within the »Dia­lo­gue Church and Eco­no­my Ham­burg« and will be continued.


»HEINEKOMM is the right place for anyo­ne inte­res­ted in unfa­mi­li­ar con­stel­la­ti­ons of con­ver­sa­ti­on, sur­pri­sing encoun­ters and thus exci­ting pro­s­pects. The young pro­fes­sio­nals with whom we tal­ked about digi­tiza­ti­on and more would like to have con­ver­sa­ti­ons in which the most varied of bio­gra­phi­cal and pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­en­ces lead to new ques­ti­ons, ide­as and insights. «

Rena­te Fall­brüg, KDA – Church ser­vice in the world of work
Evan­ge­li­cal Luther­an Church in Nor­t­hern Germany