Crime Fiction taken to its limits, nature- and travel- and memoir-writing all in one – thank you for this highly inspiring seminar @louisewelsh00 @malachytallack @kirstylogan @mspaulsonellis @JayGYing

[igp-video src=«« poster=»« size=»large«] Crime Fiction taken to its limits, nature- and travel- and memoir-writing all in one - thank you for this highly inspiring seminar #britishcouncil #louisewelsh #malachytallack #travelwriting #memoir #shetland #scotland #bookstagram #booklovers #heinekomm @louisewelsh00 @malachytallack @kirstylogan  @mspaulsonellis @JayGYing

16. Febru­ar 2020 | 21:09 | %%loca­ti­on-name%%
## bri­tish­coun­cil loui­se­welsh malachytall­ack tra­vel­wri­ting memoir shet­land scot­land booksta­gram book­lovers heinekomm

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